chief designer

英 [tʃiːf dɪˈzaɪnə(r)] 美 [tʃiːf dɪˈzaɪnər]

网络  主设计师; 首席设计师; 设计师; 总设计师; 主任设计师



  1. At the same time, mays 'career raises anew a question that has long perplexed industry observers: how responsible is the chief designer for any individual model that comes out of his studio?
  2. Huang Weifen, deputy chief designer of the mission's flight system, said six astronauts-three to fly out and three to be on standby-have reached Jiuquan on Sunday.
  3. The campaign was Romeo's first for the fashion house and came after over a year of discussion between Burberry Chief Designer Christopher Bailey and Victoria Beckham.
  4. Frank Nuovo, the former chief designer at Nokia Corp., NOK+ 2.37% gave presentations more than a decade ago to wireless carriers and investors that divined the future of the mobile Internet.
  5. 'You were spending more time fighting politics than doing design,' said Alastair Curtis, Nokia's chief designer from 2006 to 2009.
  6. Apple's chief designer owns many high-end models and in the mid-2000s had a team visit Nike and bring home boxes of one of their sports watches.
  7. He continued to work into his 80s as the chief designer and a consultant at the arms factory in Izhevsk, Russia, where the AK-47 was first manufactured.
  8. 'I was heartbroken when Apple got the jump on this concept,' says Mr. Nuovo, Nokia's former chief designer. 'When people say the iPhone as a concept, a piece of hardware, is unique, that upsets me.'
  9. Its chief designer are well known in the industry and has 20-year experience in apparel design.
  10. She created several spectacular garment designs for the company and was soon promoted to chief fashion designer.
  11. In the computer world, the construction architect is the chief hardware designer; the theater architect is the chief software designer.
  12. A correspondent interviewed the deputy chief designer of Chang'e-1, Sun Zezhou, before the Mid-Autumn Festival.
  13. Together with Jonathan Ive, the firm's chief designer, Mr Jobs would decide on how a product should look and feel, and the engineers had to make it happen.
  14. After that, he became the Chief Designer of department store Lane Crawford.
  15. He is the chief designer of a garment factory.
  16. So what about Ferrari's recently sacked technical manager, Nigel Stepney, and McLaren's recently suspended chief designer, Mike Coughlan?
  17. Zhang Bonan, chief designer of the spacecraft said when under interview launched by Xinhua on Sep26.
  18. Mr Rice, 46, a trained designer, was then a partner in Viscount Lindley's furniture business, Lindley Co. He joined his wife's company as chief designer in 1991.
  19. As the founder of American government and the chief designer of American economic system, Hamilton attracted much attention of his contemporaries and the posterity.
  20. Discussion On Work and Organization Construction of Chief Designer
  21. In this case, the chief designer of a project should ensure that the requirements of the customer should be met and the national laws, regulations and rules shall not disobey during the management of engineering design.
  22. Within the self-organization system, the order parameter is the chief designer for life process and code working the subconsciousness the yin material world.
  23. The teacher shall fully perform the role of the chief designer with extra responsibilities such as designing teaching principles and outlines, organizing the detailed steps of the course, and editing teaching materials, in addition to the traditional tasks of writing teaching plans and classroom teaching.
  24. As the chief designer, the author of this theses has conducted the following researches and practices: ( 1) According to the engineering geology condition and hydrology condition, the breakthrough in the structure design of RCC arch dam has been achieved.